Resources to Support SEND and Inclusion
A number of additional resources have been created to support inclusion of as wide a range of learners as possible whether this is related to a special educational need, EAL or simply different learning styles.
For each scenario you will find:
- Video with audio narration of the chat discussions. You might consider using this in class if you have learners who have: a visual impairment, dyslexia, other literacy difficulties, English as an additional language and others who are stronger auditory learners.
- A text version of the dialogue from the chats in the videos. You may consider enabling learners to view this on their own device or as a printed out copy in front of them. This can support learners who have: attention difficulties such as ADHD, difficulty keeping up with the video due to slow reading, those who may have been unable to see a class whiteboard/screen from their seat or speak English as an additional language.
- A plain text transcript of the dialogue from the chats in the videos. This has been created to support learners who use their own screen readers. It also enables users with Microsoft Word to access the content via the Immersive Reader features build into the application. This provides a range of accessibility features such as a screen reader, symbol dictionary and translation to other languages. Visit Cloud Guides if you require further information.
- A slide deck of differentiated questions to help explore the three scenarios with learners who may benefit from a different level of questioning.
Legal or Illegal?
All activities can be customised and used as standalone lessons or incorporated into existing plans for assemblies, lessons and schemes of work. They have cross-curricular relevance and facilitate a whole-school approach, in line with RSHE guidance and Keeping Children Safe in Education. They also link to statements in the UKCIS Education for a Connected World framework. Click here to learn how to use this resource and see a school use it in practice.